The National Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia (MNACTEC) has committed to making its websites accessible in accordance with Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September 2018, on the accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices in the public sector (hereinafter, Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September 2018).

This declaration of accessibility applies to the website


Compliance situation

This website is not in accordance with Royal Decree 1112/2018 of September 7, due to exceptions and the lack of compliance with the aspects indicated below.


Content not accessible

The following content is not accessible for the following reasons:

Lack of compliance with Royal Decree 112/2018 of September 7: 

  • Attribute label: lack of button attribute label.
  • Name, function and value: lack of label on user interface elements such as buttons or links so that supporting products can recognise the name, function and value.
  • Alternative text on images: there are images without alternative description.
  • Attribute of decorative elements: there are decorative elements in image format that do not have their attribute included.
  • Role and attribute in landmarks: some landmarks such as main content or footer are not built with their corresponding HTML5 element or do not include their role or attribute in the description.
  • Font: there are some textual elements with a font size below the minimum (11 px).
  • Colour contrast: not all text elements have the 4.5:1 colour contrast ratio with respect to the background.


Preparation of this accessibility declaration

This declaration was prepared on March 8, 2023.

The method used to prepare the declaration was an accessibility audit made by Basetis –Base Technology & Information Services.

Most recent revision of the declaration: March 8, 2023.



You may send communications regarding the accessibility requirements (Article 10.2.a) of Royal Decree 1112/2018 of September 7, through the following Contact mailbox.

For example:

  • To report any possible breach of compliance by this website.
  • To make a reclaim regarding difficulties in accessing content.
  • To formulate any other queries or suggestions for improving accessibility to the website.

The communications will be received and transferred by the General Directorate of Citizens’ Services of the Department of the Vice-Presidency, Economy and Treasury, as the department responsible for accessibility.

Applicable procedure

The applicable procedure set out in Article 3 of Royal Decree 1112/2018 of September 7 will enter into force on September 20, 2020.


The MNACTEC’s commitment to accessibility

The website has been set up with the aim of providing universal access to all those who wish to consult it, regardless of their physical, sensory or intellectual abilities and the technical context of use with which they do so (type of device, software, connection speed, environmental conditions, etc.).

For this reason, the Generalitat is working to adapt the whole website to the recommendations of the W3C World Wide Web Consortium in order to remove any barriers that may hinder access to the information and communications. These recommendations are specified in the WCAG 2.1 accessibility guidelines.

The Generalitat of Catalonia’s commitment is to achieve AA compliance level, as required of public administrations under European and state legislation.

Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and Council of October 26, 2016 establishes the standards required of the member states so that all the websites and mobile applications in the public sector, regardless of the device used to access them, comply with the accessibility requirements set out in Standard EN 301 549 v2.1.2 (August 2018) regarding accessibility requirements suitable for the public procurement of ICT products and services in Europe.

The EN 301 549 v2.1.1.2 Standard is based principally on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 of August 2018. Specifically, AA level must be met. However, the standard also has additional mandatory and conditional requirements.

The directive is obligatory but not directly applicable; therefore, on a national level a Royal Decree has been drawn up to establish the scope and minimum requirements. The state transposition is Royal Decree 1112/2018 of September 7 regarding the accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices in the public sector.